
Call of duty cold war split screen campaign
Call of duty cold war split screen campaign

call of duty cold war split screen campaign

However, split-screen features are expected to be introduced to the mode in the future. In addition, even though the game features a co-op mode, split-screen play is not currently possible. However, the Spec Ops mode may be reworked. There is no way to play with others at this time. Read Also: How to Get Aimbot on Bo2 Xbox 360? When you start playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare split-screen, make your friend log into his Activision account. If you wish to play co-op, you’ll need an Activision account. Depending on your system, press A or X on the second controller.Ĭongratulations, you may now play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in split-screen mode with your friends.In-game, if a second controller is plugged in, it will display a request to link up.It’s time to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.Play games with a second controller connected to your console.So unless there is a bug that needs to be fixed, PC users are out of luck. Unfortunately, gamers have stated that this approach only works on Xbox and PlayStation 4. Just link up two controllers, and you’re good to go.

call of duty cold war split screen campaign call of duty cold war split screen campaign

During the campaign, it’s easy to play split-screen with a friend.

Call of duty cold war split screen campaign