
Download free happy wars game
Download free happy wars game

only without all of the depressing deaths. Thankfully nobody gets hurt in these wars, leaving them to fight again over yet another pointless topic.

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These fights inevitably spiral into an all-out war, where both sides draw swords, conjure magic and do everything in their power to take over the other team's base. There's a ridiculous story involving two sides who constantly get into asinine arguments. It's the kind of game that may not hold your attention for long, but you won't regret keeping it on your hard drive. What it lacks in originality and depth it more than makes up for with an endearing style and fast-paced action. While it's not the same as getting Infamous 2 or Borderlands, this free-to-play online multiplayer game is certainly a step in the right direction. Happy Wars marks a new leaf for the Xbox Live Gold service. 100) and card games (Texas Hold'em), but these days most of the free Xbox Live Arcade releases seem to be ill-conceived advertisements for Doritos or Yaris.

download free happy wars game

In the past they've dabbled in game shows (1 vs. While the competition courts their fans with access to big games from both first and third party publishers, Microsoft has taken a different approach. In the world of the Xbox 360, free games are rare.

Download free happy wars game